Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education

G. Gartner, M.J. Kraak, D. Burghardt, L. Meng, J. Cron, C.P.J.M. van Elzakker, B.A. Ricker

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Why do we teach cartography? The need for cartographic education:
In our day to day life, on an individual or societal level there is a continual need or even demand for geospatial information. On an individual level this need is expressed by questions like: Where am I?, How far away is my new doctor’s office?, Which route should I take to get to my destination based on current traffic patterns? Other questions may include: What is the spatial extent of my land parcel? What do I have permission to build on my parcel? On a societal level questions include: What cities suffer from high unemployment? What are the most efficient spots to build a new wind farm? Where is the optimal place to build a new road without fragmenting important species habitats? To offer answers to these questions, geographic information systems (GIS) including tools and instruments have been developed. The most important communication tool to foster decision making, as part of a GIS, is the map. Reality is too complex to comprehend with the naked eye. Therefore patterns are often missed, maps and other cartographic models are an interface between humans and the reality used to abstract, symbolized, a simplify view of the world. These maps then allow us to view spatial patterns and relationships between objects in the world. The world cannot do without maps. Why? Because they tell us about spatial issues on both local and global scale that influence our lives. How? Maps are the most effective and the most efficient tools to into and overview of geographical data which help us answer spatio-temporal questions and to provide new insight.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019
Event29th international Cartographic Conference, ICC 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 14 Jul 201920 Jul 2019
Conference number: 29


Conference29th international Cartographic Conference, ICC 2019
Abbreviated titleICC 2019
Internet address


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