Equilibration of Cadastre and Land Registry Components in a Cadastral Merger : abstract

T.N. Muparari, W.T. de Vries, J.A. Zevenbergen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


The rigidity of conventional cadastral systems attracts the penetration of the spatial profession by other professions in the domain of engineering, promotes resistance and stress in the customary tenure that functions outside the statutory instrument in most countries and accelerates informal land transactions. Yet introduced decisions such as merging the cadastre and land registry components (under one agency) remain polarized in the land administration community, despite the
claims that bringing together the components improves the efficiency and effectiveness of cadastral systems. Merging as one of the restructuring strategies is expected to address the dynamically changing humankind-land relationships of customers. This paper’s aim is to unravel the behavior of cadastral mergers and its potential abilities through a comparison of the nature of change, effectiveness and efficiency. Q methodology is used and it applies an OCAI instrument of the competing values framework to determine the nature of change efficiency and effectiveness of merging the land registry and cadastre components. Unexpectedly, the purposively sampled
Swedish cadastral merger indicate that: (1) there is rather more inclination on long term change that promotes collaborating on understanding newly introduced technologies for spatial data handling and presenting firmly the entire group whenever there is an outside demand and incremental change that facilitates understanding of work processes and their carefully calibrated change; (2) there is
rather more inclination to the internal environment through promoting collaboration of professions and order in work processes and internal professions than the external environment which is well suited for innovation and market sectors in order to capture the customers’ needs and repel
competition from other professions; (3) the nature of the collaborative bondage reflects a departure from the focus of customers, but rather favour the professionals involved and work processes. The Swedish cadastral merger exhibits that the role of merging the components is not necessarily tailored for the external environment where competition and creation of new products and technologies dominates but rather tailored for the internal environment where processes, people must collaborate through engaging slow and incremental change. Henceforth, the Swedish cadastral merger is biased to efficiency, long term change and incremental change than effectiveness, rapid change and spontaneous change; which indicate the struggle to equilibrate the functions of the cadastre component and the functions of the land registry. It can also be concluded that efficiency and effectiveness may vary for the decisions such as merging a technical field for spatial data management with a non technical field of land registry. Focus on perfecting professional performance becomes a crucial activity that involves transmission of knowledge from one professional practice to another. The knowledge obtained is a panacea to cadastral systems that are struggling to identify how to reform their own systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 May 2018
EventXXVI FIG Congress 2018: Embracing our smart world where the continents connect: enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies - Istanbul Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 6 May 201811 May 2018
Conference number: 26


ConferenceXXVI FIG Congress 2018
Internet address


  • land, land records, administration, land administration, dispute, resolution, post-conflict, state, building


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