Eric: An Efficient and Practical Software Obfuscation Framework

Alperen Bolat, Seyyid Hikmet Çelik, Ataberk Olgun, Oğuz Ergin, Marco Ottavi

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

61 Downloads (Pure)


Modern cloud computing systems distribute software executables over a network to keep the software sources, which are typically compiled in a security-critical cluster, secret. We develop ERIC, a new, efficient, and general software obfuscation framework. ERIC protects software against (i) static analysis, by making only an encrypted version of software executables available to the human eye, no matter how the software is distributed, and (ii) dynamic analysis, by guaranteeing that an encrypted executable can only be correctly decrypted and executed by a single authenticated device. ERIC comprises key hardware and software components to provide efficient software obfuscation support: (i) a hardware decryption engine (HDE) enables efficient decryption of encrypted hardware in the target device, (ii) the compiler can seamlessly encrypt software executables given only a unique device identifier. Both the hardware and software components are ISA-independent, making ERIC general. The key idea of ERIC is to use physical unclonable functions (PUFs), unique device identifiers, as secret keys in encrypting software executables. Malicious parties that cannot access the PUF in the target device cannot perform static or dynamic analyses on the encrypted binary. We develop ERIC's prototype on an FPGA to evaluate it end-to-end. Our prototype extends RISC-V Rocket Chip with the hardware decryption engine (HDE) to minimize the overheads of software decryption. We augment the custom LLVM-based compiler to enable partial/full encryption of RISC-V executables. The HDE incurs minor FPGA resource overheads, it requires 2.63% more LUTs and 3.83% more flip-flops compared to the Rocket Chip baseline. LLVM-based software encryption increases compile time by 15.22% and the executable size by 1.59%. ERIC is publicly available and can be downloaded from
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2022


  • cs.CR
  • cs.AR


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  • ERIC: An Efficient and Practical Software Obfuscation Framework

    Bolat, A., Celik, S. H., Olgun, A., Ergin, O. & Ottavi, M., 2022, Proceedings - 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2022. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, p. 466-474 9 p. (Proceedings - Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2022; vol. 2022).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Citations (Scopus)
    66 Downloads (Pure)

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