Escape from Flatland: strain and quantum size effect driven growth of metallic nanostructures

Tjeerd Rogier Johannes Bollmann

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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In this thesis, we show the influence of and subtle balance between QSE and strain stabilizing interactions on the growth, as well as on structural and electronic properties of nanostructures. We present a LEEM and µLEED study in combination with Tensor LEED calculations illustrating the relevance of the QSE for quantization of island heights and ultimate film structures for Bi/Ni(111). Alloying results in BiNi9 nanowires, that lead to meandering steps during dealloying. We show distinct QSE driven preferred heights (3,5,7 and 9) for the growth of Pb/Ni(111), apparent from height transitions. Pb mesas of 40 layers in height decay within 1-10 ms at about 526 K to form compact 3D structures. Their decay is induced by a thermal instability in the bi-domain wetting layer, leading to an energetic balance that is tipped in favor of the surface free energy. As an example of strain dominated growth, we studied the morphology and structure of Cu on W(100), showing strong 3D growth of hut shaped Cu crystallites with steep facets. The boundary between the Cu crystallite and the pseudomorphic adlayer can be explained by the complete cancellation of shear stress.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • Poelsema, B., Supervisor
  • Frenken, J.W.M., Advisor, External person
  • van Gastel, Raoul, Supervisor
Award date23 Sept 2011
Place of PublicationEnschede
Print ISBNs978-90-365-3226-6
Publication statusPublished - 23 Sept 2011


  • IR-78077
  • METIS-278024


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