Experimental study of integrated-optics microcavity resonators: Toward an all-optical switching device

F.C. Blom, D.R. van Dijk, Hugo Hoekstra, A. Driessen, T.J.A. Popma

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

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    An integrated all-optical switch based on a high-Q nonlinear cylindrical microcavity resonator is proposed. The switch consists of single mode planar waveguides that allow coupling light in and out to a microresonator, exhibiting whispering gallery modes. Due to the high Q factor and the small dimensions, fast switching at low power is feasible for devices based on presently available nonlinear polymers as the active material. In this approach, the transmission of an integrated optical waveguide close to a microcavity has been measured and related to the resonances of the cylindrical microcavity.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)747-749
    JournalApplied physics letters
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


    • METIS-128710
    • IR-98130

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