Experimental Verification of the Temperature and Strain Dependence of the Critical Properties in Nb3Sn Wires

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The critical current density in Nb3Sn conductors is described with an improved scaling formula for the temperature, magnetic field and strain dependence. In an earlier study, it is concluded that the largest uncertainties in this description arise from the temperature dependence that is described with various slightly different empirical relations. For the optimization of the numerical codes, used to predict the stability of large magnet systems, a more accurate description is required. Therefore, two different bronze processed conductors for the ITER CS model coil are analyzed in detail. The critical current is measured at temperatures from 4.2 K up to the critical temperature, in magnetic fields from 1 T to 13 T and with an applied axial strain from -0.6% to +0.4%. The axial strain is applied by a U-shaped bending spring and a comparison is made between brass and Ti-6Al-4V, as substrate material
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1526-1529
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event2000 Applied Superconductivity Conference, ASC 2000 - Viriginia Beach, United States
Duration: 17 Sept 200022 Sept 2000


  • Critical current
  • Field
  • Nb3Sn
  • Scaling relation
  • Strain
  • Superconductor
  • Temperature


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