Exploration and comparison of geothermal areas in Indonesia by fluid-rock geochemistry

Fiorenza Deon, Auke Barnhoorn, Caroline Lievens, Nenny Saptadij, Sutopo, Freek van der Meer, Tia den Hartog, Maren Brehme, David Bruhn, Mayestica de Jong, Riskiray Ryannugroho, Rizki Hutami, Rachmat Sule, Christoph Hecker, Damien Bonté

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)
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Indonesia with its large, but partially unexplored geothermal potential is one of the most interesting and suitable places in the world to conduct geothermal exploration research.
This study focuses on geothermal exploration based on fluid-rock geochemistry/geomechanics and aims to compile an overview on geochemical data-rock properties from important geothermal fields in Indonesia. The work will be conducted over the next two years and this paper intends to present the methods and approaches we would like to use. The research carried out in the field and in the laboratory is performed in the framework of the GEOCAP cooperation (Geothermal Capacity Building program Indonesia- the Netherlands). Research along with capacity building will be combined in this Indonesian-Dutch project. The application of petrology and geochemistry accounts to a better understanding of areas where operating power plants exist but also helps in the initial exploration stage of green areas. Because of their relevance and geological setting representing geothermal fields in Java, Sulawesi and the sedimentary basin of central Sumatra have been chosen as areas will be the focus of the study. Operators, universities and governmental agencies will benefit from this approach as it will be applied also to new green-field regions and areas to be tendered.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings The 4th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition 2016 10 - 12 August 2016, Cendrawasih Hall - Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia
Place of PublicationJakarta
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2016


  • Geothermal exploration
  • Capacity building
  • Fluid chemistry and rock petrology


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