Eye spy a lie: An eye-tracking study into gaze behaviour and receiving lies

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


Deception detection, a pivotal area in psychology and law enforcement, often yields accuracy rates that scarcely surpass random chance. This study employs eye-tracking technology to scrutinise behavioural cues that may serve as reliable indicators of deceptive communication. Using a 2x2 factorial experimental design, participants were designated as either interviewers or observers during interactions conducted via video and face-to-face modalities. The study reveals that heightened attention towards the mouth area of a communicator is significantly associated with improved deception detection accuracy. However, other gazing behaviours and facial cues did not manifest as dependable predictors. Furthermore, pre-existing beliefs about deceptive behaviour had a notable influence on detection accuracy, albeit only in the context of indirect veracity judgements. Surprisingly, neither the role assumed in the interaction (interviewer or observer) nor the medium of communication exhibited a significant impact on detection outcomes. These findings advance our scientific understanding of the behavioural cues in deception detection and hold substantial implications for professionals in law enforcement, human resources, and psychology.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2023
EventDecepticon 2023 - Online
Duration: 7 Dec 20238 Dec 2023


ConferenceDecepticon 2023
Internet address


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