Factors Influencing Reinforcement of NR and EPDM Rubbers with Short Aramid Fibers

M. Shirazi, Jacobus W.M. Noordermeer

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Among short fiber reinforced composites, those with rubbery matrices have gained great importance due to the advantages they have in processing and low cost, coupled with high strength. These composites combine the elastic behavior of rubbers with strength and stiffness of fibers. Reinforcement with short fibers offers additional features such as design flexibility, high modulus, tear strength, etc. The degree of reinforcement depends on parameters such as: the nature of the rubber matrix, the type of fibers, the concentration and orientation of fibers, fiber to rubber adhesion (generation of a strong interface), fiber length and aspect ratio of the fibers. In this research aramid fibers have been chosen because of their significantly higher modulus and strength, compared to other commercial fibers. Compounds based on NR and EPDM are prepared. Short aramid fibers with different kinds of surface treatments, standard finish and RFL-coating result in different rubber-fiber interfaces. The reinforcing effect of these short aramid fibers is characterized by mechanical and viscoelastic experiments, and by studying the fracture surfaces with microscopic techniques.
Original languageUndefined
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event178th Technical Meeting ACS Rubber Division - Milwaukee, United States
Duration: 12 Oct 201014 Oct 2010
Conference number: 178


Conference178th Technical Meeting ACS Rubber Division
Country/TerritoryUnited States
OtherOctober 12-14, 2010


  • IR-74205

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