Ferroelectric devices created by pressure modulated stencil deposition

Paul M. te Riele, Guus Rijnders, Dave H.A. Blank

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Ferroelectric Pb(ZrxTi1−x)O3 sandwiched between SrRuO3 electrodes devices were fabricated by a single stencil deposition method. By varying the pressure, the dimension of the deposited pattern could be controlled. The dimension becomes larger in the high pressure shockwave regime, which is typical for pulsed laser deposition. The particle interactions result in an increased amount of broadening. At lower pressures, the deposited material is still in the correct crystalline phase and broadening is minimized. Top electrodes are isolated from the bottom electrode by controlling the broadening of the ferroelectric medium. With this method, multilayered oxide devices can be created in situ
Original languageEnglish
Article number233109
Number of pages3
JournalApplied physics letters
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • EC Grant Agreement nr.: FP6/500120
  • 2024 OA procedure


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