Fibonacci-like Differential Equations with a Polynomial Non-Homogeneous Part

Peter R.J. Asveld

    Research output: Book/ReportReportOther research output

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    We investigate non-homogeneous linear differential equations of the form $x''(t) + x'(t) - x(t) = p(t)$ where $p(t)$ is either a polynomial or a factorial polynomial in $t$. We express the solution of these differential equations in terms of the coefficients of $p(t)$, in the initial conditions, and in the solution of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation $y''(t) + y'(t) - y(t) = 0$ with $y(0) = y'(0) = 1$.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationEnschede
    PublisherUniversity of Twente
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 1986

    Publication series

    NameMemoranda Informatica
    PublisherDepartment of Computer Science, University of Twente
    ISSN (Print)0924-3755


    • HMI-SLT: Speech and Language Technology
    • MSC-34A30


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