Fluid flow meter using thermal tracers

Arno Willem Frederik Volker (Inventor), Huibert Blokland (Inventor), Johannes Fransiscus Maria Velthuis (Inventor), Joost Conrad Lötters (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    Fluid flows through a conduit. To measure flow speed the fluid is heated at a heating location in the conduit with a time-dependent heating strength. A speed of sound in fluid flowing in the conduit is measured at a plurality of sensing locations downstream from said heating location. The flow speed of the fluid is determined from a delay with which the time dependence is detected in the sound speeds measured at said sensing locations. In an embodiment a frequency of the variation of heating strength that is used to determine the flow speed is selected automatically dependent on the flow speed and/or other circumstances.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberEP2100105
    Priority date12/01/11
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 12 Jan 2011


    • EWI-20141
    • IR-76971
    • METIS-277628

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