Flume experiments of vegetation-induced sediment resuspension under combined wave-current flows

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Salt marshes and other vegetated foreshores are valuable ecosystems for coastal protection, but they may grow and retreat over time. Salt marshes are intertidal wetlands, whose vegetation attenuates waves, currents and stabilizes foreshores, thereby reducing the load on dikes (Vuik et al., 2016). They also sequester carbon and are an important habitat for marine flora and fauna. Fine sediments are the core of a salt marsh. These are brought in by tides and waves and are deposited on and around the marsh. Understanding the sediment transport dynamics is essential in order to predict the morphological evolution of the marshes and the future protection that salt marshes will provide.

Vegetation modifies sediment transport dynamics compared to a bare bed. The vegetation modifies flow structure and produces turbulent eddies in its wake. It has been shown for pure currents (Liu et al., 2021; Tinoco & Coco, 2014) and pure waves (Tinoco & Coco, 2018) flows that these eddies reduce the velocity threshold for sediment resuspension, but it remains unclear how sediment resuspension responds to combined wave-current flows commonly found in estuaries. Our goal is to understand and quantify sediment resuspension under combined wave-current flows using flume experiments.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2024
EventNCK Days 2024 - Oude Magazijn, Amersfoort, Netherlands
Duration: 13 Mar 202415 Mar 2024


ConferenceNCK Days 2024


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