Foam generation in a rotor-stator mixer = Schaumerzeugung in einem Rotor-Stator Mischer

A.B.J. Kroezen, J. Groot Wassink, E. Bertlein

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The foaming process of an aqueous liquid system with surface active agents and thickeners in a rotor-stator mixer has been studied. The foaming capacity of a rotor—stator mixer may be represented by a so-called mixing characteristic. The foamabilities of several liquid systems have been measured as a function of the mixer geometry and the rotational speed. The hydrodynamics in a rotor-stator mixer is characterized by a Newton—Reynolds relationship. The mechanism of foaming and the dependence of several mixing parameters are different for the turbulent and laminar flow regions. The mixing process is evaluated in both regimes. In the transition region from turbulent to laminar the foaming is very poor in comparison with that in the turbulent and laminar flow regimes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-156
JournalChemical engineering and processing : process intensification
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1988


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