From design to the clinic: Practical guidelines for translating cardiovascular nanomedicine

Iwona Cicha*, Cédric Chauvierre, Isabelle Texier, Claudia Cabella, Josbert M. Metselaar, János Szebeni, László Dézsi, Christoph Alexiou, François Rouzet, Gert Storm, Erik Stroes, Donald Bruce, Neil MacRitchie, Pasquale Maffia, Didier Letourneur

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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) account for nearly half of all deaths in Europe and almost 30% of global deaths. Despite the improved clinical management, cardiovascular mortality is predicted to rise in the next decades due to the increasing impact of aging, obesity, and diabetes. The goal of emerging cardiovascular nanomedicine is to reduce the burden of CVD using nanoscale medical products and devices. However, the development of novel multicom-ponent nano-sized products poses multiple technical, ethical, and regulatory challenges, which often obstruct their road to successful approval and use in clinical practice. This review discusses the rational design of nanoparticles, including safety considerations and regulatory issues, and highlights the steps needed to achieve efficient clinical translation of promising nanomedicinal products for cardiovascular applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1714-1727
Number of pages14
JournalCardiovascular Research
Issue number13
Early online date27 Aug 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2018


  • Cardiovascular nanomedicine
  • Clinical translation
  • Nanoparticle design
  • Nanosafety
  • Regulatory issues
  • n/a OA procedure


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