From Metrics to Experiences: Investigating How Sport Data Shapes the Social Context, Self-Determination and Motivation of Athletes

Dees Postma, Robby van Delden, Dennis Reidsma, Armagan Karahanoglu*

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In this paper, we use Self-Determination Theory and its related mini-theories to investigate the influence of sport data on sports experience and motivation in sports. First, we reflect on the use of technology in sports and show how sport data thwarts and promotes motivation in sports. Second, we argue that Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has been too narrowly focused on the ‘performance’ aspect of sport data. We argue for a more liberal take on sport data, showing that it also relates to motivation in sports through basic human needs. By bridging SportsHCI studies with the insights we gain from Self-Determination Theory, we uncover the interwoven relations between the objective measures that sports technology provides and their motivational aspects for athletes. Our paper ends with five emerging points for attention for SportsHCI that we think can pave the way towards a more holistic approach to considering sport data for motivation in sports.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInteracting with computers
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print/First online - 14 May 2024


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