Generation of Net Primary Productivity as Remote Sensing enabled biodiversity product in the myVARIABLE pilot of e-shape

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Primary productivity is recognized as an Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) under EBVs ‘Ecosystem Function’ class by GEOBON. According to existing literature, primary productivity has been one of the most important applications attempted by satellite remote sensing. The wide array of canopy geometry and life-cycle dynamics at large scales makes the estimation of primary production from remote sensing data very challenging. Primary productivity is either directly or indirectly linked to a number of other remote sensing- enabled biodiversity products including canopy chlorophyll content, leaf fraction exposed to light, absorbed photosynthetic active radiation, leaf area index and land use/cover change which are critical to understanding plant functioning.
In the myVARIABLE pilot of the EuroGEOSS Showcases initiative (e-shape), we aim to develop primary productivity as an RS-EBV describing ‘Ecosystem Physiology’ and ‘Species Physiology’, being calibrated and validated by European observation networks including eLTER and other in situ data to support delivery at European level. Estimation of primary productivity involves using process-based models, semi-empirical light use efficiency (LUE) models or statistical models. The complexity and uncertainty of parameterization of process-based models, underlying assumptions in LUE models and dependency of statistical models to altering environmental conditions will be evaluated and assessed in order to propose and select the best approach for estimation of primary productivity at the European level using Sentinel-2 data.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2020
EventGEOBON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2020 - 100% virtual, Germany
Duration: 6 Jul 202010 Jul 2020


ConferenceGEOBON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2020
OtherVirtual conference
Internet address


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