Generic, Property Based Queries for Evolvable Weaving Specifications

I. Nagy, Lodewijk Bergmans, G. Gülesir, P.E.A. Durr, Mehmet Aksit

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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    In the current aspect-oriented languages, advices and pointcuts are explicitly associated in general. This results in weaving specifications that are less evolvable and need more maintenance during the development of a system. To address this issue, we propose associative access to advices and aspects: a designating mechanism that allows for referring aspect/advices through their (syntactic and semantic) properties in advice-pointcut bindings. First, this paper presents an extensive analysis of the advicepointcut binding mechanisms of the state-of-the-art AOP approaches. Based on this analysis, we extend the current weaving (superimposition) specification of our aspect-oriented approach, Compose*. In the new specification, we apply queries that can designate filtermodules and other type of units (e.g. annotations) based on their properties. As an evaluation of our work, we present a tradeoff analysis about the new weaving specification with respect to several software engineering properties, in particular expressiveness, evolvability and comprehensibility. Finally, the paper ends with related works and conclusion.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publication3rd Software-Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies Workshop
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventSoftware-Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies Workshop, SPLAT! - Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Duration: 14 Mar 200518 Mar 2005


    WorkshopSoftware-Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies Workshop, SPLAT!
    OtherMarch 14–18, 2005


    • METIS-228560
    • IR-54414

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