Geomechanical analysis of volcanic rock on the island of Saba, Netherlands Antilles

R. Rijkers, H.R.G.K. Hack

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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A geomechanical analysis of a shallow small scale landslide in the harbour of Saba was carried out to calculate the risk of new landslides and in order to advise local authorities on practical measures to improve safety. Geotechnical investigations and geological mapping were carried out to study the failure mechanism and slope stability. Comparison of shear box tests, field natural slope angle observations and calculations of slope stability probability showed a good agreement.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGeoEng 2000
Subtitle of host publicationInternational Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 19-24 November Melbourne
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
PublisherTechnomic Publications
Number of pages6
VolumeVol. 1. Invited papers
ISBN (Print)1-58716-068-4
Publication statusPublished - 2000
EventISRM International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng 2000 - Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 19 Nov 200024 Nov 2000


ConferenceISRM International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng 2000
Abbreviated titleGeoEng


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