Glanceability Evaluation of a Physical Activity Feedback System for Office Workers

Simone Theresa Boerema, Randy Klaassen, Hendrikus J.A. op den Akker, Hermanus J. Hermens

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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    This paper presents the results of a user evaluation to design a glanceable user interface presenting physical activity feedback to office workers during the workday. The feedback is presented on a central and public display next to the coffee machine in the office building. Users should be able to receive the feedback quickly and easily while getting a cup of coffee − the user interface should be glanceable. The feedback should communicate the (real-time) amount of physical activity and the progress toward the goal of the user for a day. Three mock-ups of user interfaces were developed and evaluated in a user evaluation study. Differences on reaction time and user preferences were found. None of these results were significant. Adding group information to the mock-up increases reaction time and therefore lowers the glanceability negatively.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationProceedings of EHST 2012: the 6th International Symposium on eHealth Services and Technologies
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)978-989-8565-27-3
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2012
    EventProceedings of EHST 2012: the 6th International Symposium on eHealth Services and Technologies - Geneva, Switzerland
    Duration: 3 Jul 20124 Jul 2012

    Publication series

    PublisherSciTePress - Science and Technology Publications


    ConferenceProceedings of EHST 2012: the 6th International Symposium on eHealth Services and Technologies
    Other3-4 July 2012


    • METIS-296079
    • EWI-22201
    • IR-84251

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