Global Rice Atlas: Disaggregated seasonal crop calendar and production

Jane Girly Balanza, Mary Anne Gutierrez, Lorena Villano, A.D. Nelson, S.J. Zwart, Mirco Boschetti, Jawoo Koo, Russell Reinke, M. V.R. Murty, Alice G. Laborte

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Rice is an important staple crop cultivated in more than 163 million ha globally. Although information on the distribution of global rice production is available by country and, at times, at subnational level, information on its distribution within a year is often lacking in different rice growing regions. Knowing when and where rice is planted and harvested and the associated production is crucial to policy and decision making on food security. To examine seasonal and geographic variations in food supply, we developed a detailed rice crop calendar and linked it with disaggregated production data.

Approach and methods used:
We compiled from various sources detailed data on rice production, and planting and harvesting dates by growing season. To standardize the production data to the same period, we adjusted the production values so that the totals for each country will be the same as those of FAO for 2010-2012. We then linked data on rice production with the corresponding crop calendar information to estimate production at harvest time by month then we calculated totals for each country and region.

Key results:
The bulk of global annual harvests of rice is from September to November, corresponding with the harvest of the wet season rice in Asia and Africa. Total rough rice production during those peak months exceed 381 million tons, which account for about half of annual global rice output. Production is lowest in January with only 11 million tons in total. Regional production is lowest in Asia in January, Americas in December, Africa in July and rest of the world in May.

Synthesis and Applications:
A globally complete and spatially detailed rice crop calendar is important to crop growth simulation modelling and assessment of vulnerability of rice areas to biotic and abiotic stresses. Linked to production estimates, it can be used in analyzing spatial and seasonal production trends to better assess and predict price fluctuations , and to mitigate potential significant shortfalls in food production at certain times of the year.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event4th International Rice Congress - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 27 Oct 20141 Nov 2014
Conference number: 4ht


Conference4th International Rice Congress
Abbreviated titleIRC2014


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