Guest editorial: Brain/neuronal computer games interfaces and interaction

D. Coyle, J. Principe (Editor), F. Lotte, Antinus Nijholt (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

    32 Citations (Scopus)
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    Nowadays brainwave or electroencephalogram (EEG) controlled games controllers are adding new options to satisfy the continual demand for new ways to interact with games, following trends such as the Nintendo® Wii, Microsoft® Kinect and Playstation® Move which are based on accelerometers and motion capture. EEG-based brain-computer games interaction are controlled through brain-computer interface (BCI) technology which requires sophisticated signal processing to produce a low communication bandwidth with few degrees of freedom and relatively inaccurate and unstable control signal. Recently entertainment and gaming have become a popular application focus for BCI researchers and games developers. This special issue was therefore solicited to gain insights into new biosignal processing algorithms tested in gaming applications and gaming applications which exploit BCI and neural signals to enhance game play experience and player motivation, be the players able-bodied or physically impaired.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)77-81
    Number of pages5
    JournalIEEE transactions on computational intelligence and AI in games
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2013


    • HMI-HF: Human Factors
    • multi-brain interfaces
    • EWI-23357
    • HMI-CI: Computational Intelligence
    • EEG
    • IR-86470
    • Brain-Computer Interfaces
    • Multi-modal interaction
    • Games
    • METIS-297644
    • Control

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