Heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions of pyrolysis vapors from pine wood

Elly Hoekstra, Roel J.M. Westerhof*, Wim Brilman, Wim P.M. van Swaaij, Sascha R.A. Kersten, Kees J.A. Hogendoorn, Michael Windt

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To maximize oil yields in the fast pyrolysis of biomass it is generally accepted that vapors need to be rapidly quenched. The influence of the heterogeneous and homogeneous vapor-phase reactions on yields and oil composition were studied using a fluidized-bed reactor. Even high concentrations of mineral low char (till 55 vol %) appeared not to be catalytically active. However, the presence of minerals, either in biomass or added, does influence the yields, especially by the occurrence of vapor-phase charring/polymerization reactions. Contradictory, in the absence of minerals, homogeneous vapor-phase cracking reactions were dominant over polymerization/charring reactions (400–550°C, 1–15 s). With increasing vapor residence time, the oil yield reached an asymptotic value, which decreased with temperature. At a vapor temperature of 400°C no decrease in oil yield was observed, but dedicated analysis showed that homogeneous vapor to vapor reactions had occurred.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2830-2842
Number of pages13
JournalAIChE journal
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Fast pyrolysis
  • Reaction mechanism
  • Biomass
  • Vapor phase
  • Minerals


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