Hierarchical nonlinear control for multi-rotor asymptotic stabilization based on zero-moment direction

G. Michieletto, A. Cenedese, L. Zaccarian, A. Franchi

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We consider the hovering control problem for a class of multi-rotor aerial platforms with generically oriented propellers, characterized by intrinsically coupled translational and rotational dynamics. In doing this, we first discuss some assumptions guaranteeing the rejection of generic disturbance torques while compensating for the gravity force. These assumptions are translated into a geometric condition usually satisfied by both standard models and more general configurations. Then, we propose a control strategy based on the identification of a zero-moment direction for the exerted force and a dynamic state feedback linearization based on this preferential direction, which locally asymptotically stabilizes the platform to a static hovering condition. Stability properties of the control law are rigorously proved through Lyapunov-based methods and reduction theorems for the stability of nested sets. Asymptotic zeroing of the error dynamics and convergence to the static hovering condition are then confirmed by simulation results on a star-shaped hexarotor model with tilted propellers.
Original languageEnglish
Article number108991
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020


  • Aerialcore
  • n/a OA procedure


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