High-speed imaging in fluids

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High-speed imaging is in popular demand for a broad range of experiments in fluids. It allows for a detailed visualization of the event under study by acquiring a series of image frames captured at high temporal and spatial resolution. This review covers high-speed imaging basics, by defining criteria for high-speed imaging experiments in fluids and to give rule-of-thumbs for a series of cases. It also considers stroboscopic imaging, triggering and illumination, and scaling issues. It provides guidelines for testing and calibration. Ultra high-speed imaging at frame rates exceeding 1 million frames per second is reviewed, and the combination of conventional experiments in fluids techniques with high-speed imaging techniques are discussed. The review is concluded with a high-speed imaging chart, which summarizes criteria for temporal scale and spatial scale and which facilitates the selection of a high-speed imaging system for the application
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-35
Number of pages35
JournalExperiments in fluids
Issue number1458
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • METIS-290938
  • IR-82672


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