Synchronous hardware can be straightforwardly modelled as a function from input and (current) state to an updated state and output. The CλaSH compiler can translate such a transition function, described in a functional language,to synthesisable VHDL. Taking a hardware-oriented viewpoint, components can then be seen as an instantiation of such a transition function. An abstraction called Arrows is used to directly model components by combining a transition function and its state. The abstraction also provides an uniform interface for composition, without losing the referential transparency offered by a functional description. Furthermore, readability of hardware designs is increased by the use of the γ-syntax, that automatically composes components according to the Arrow interface. The advantages of the Arrow abstraction and the γ-syntax are demonstrated by means of a realistic example circuit consisting of multiple components. This is a significant extension to CλaSH and enables many high level abstractions.
Original language | Undefined |
Title of host publication | Proceedings of the 14th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2011 |
Editors | P. Kitsos |
Place of Publication | USA |
Publisher | IEEE |
Pages | 495-502 |
Number of pages | 8 |
ISBN (Print) | 978-0-7695-4494-6 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - Aug 2011 |
Event | 14th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2011 - Oulu, Finland Duration: 31 Aug 2011 → 2 Sept 2011 Conference number: 14 http://dsmc2.eap.gr/dsd2011/ |
Publication series
Name | |
Publisher | IEEE Computer Society |
Conference | 14th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2011 |
Abbreviated title | DSD |
Country/Territory | Finland |
City | Oulu |
Period | 31/08/11 → 2/09/11 |
Internet address |
- EWI-20645
- Pipeline processing
- Hardware Description Languages
- Functional Programming
- IR-78217
- METIS-278854