How do relationships begin?

Elsebeth Holmen, Kaspar Roos, Magne Kallevag, Ariane M. von Raesfeld Meijer, L. de Boer, Ann-Charlott Pedersen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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In this paper we address the issue ‘How do relationships begin?’ Based on a review of work within theIMP Approach on stage and state models of relationship evolution, we conclude that very littleattention has been paid to beginnings of relationships. We discuss why this might be so, and why theissue deserves more consideration. Based on a case study, we make a first start at discussing how wemay conceptualise and discuss relationship beginnings. Furthermore, we depict a firm’s ‘relationshipinitiation profile’ and suggest that a firm may benefit from examining its profile and the costs andbenefits associated with it. Lastly, we propose issues which may be pursued in further research.Keywords: relationship evolution, stage model, state model, beginning, relationship initiation profile.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDealing with Dualities. Proceedings (online) of the 21st IMP Conference 2005, 1-3 September 2005, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Place of PublicationRotterdam
PublisherIndustrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2005
Event21st IMP Conference 2005: Dealing with Dualities - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Sept 20053 Sept 2005
Conference number: 21


Conference21st IMP Conference 2005


  • METIS-230856
  • relationship initiation profile
  • stage model
  • state model
  • IR-82756
  • Relationship evolution
  • beginning


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