How to educate for creativity in creative technology?

Erik Bohemia (Editor), Angelika H. Mader, Arthur O. Eger (Editor), Edwin Christian Dertien, Wouter Eggink (Editor), Brian Parkinson (Editor), Wessel Willems Wits (Editor), Ahmed Kovacevic (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)
    138 Downloads (Pure)


    Creative Technology is a new BSc programme at the University of Twente. Its goal is to design novelapplications and products to improve daily life of people, with ICT as design material. Applicationsrange from everyday life to health support, from playing and entertainment to serious gaming andsocializing, from working and learning to art, while using instruments of stimulation, motivation, orsupport. The goal of the BSc programme is to give students the skills, methods and tools that enablethem to design such products.A paradigm of Creative Technology is that existing technology has a potential that is not yet fullyexplored. This potential lies in the novel use and ways of integration of existing technologies into newand innovating applications and products. This perspective is different from classical technical education, and, consequently, requires also a shift of design methods and teaching approaches. How to stimulate creativity is not a new question. However, it mainly is addressed in other domains. Moreover, most of creativity stimulating techniques aim at different target groups, like children, artists, designers or managers, not technology students. And certainly, they are not meant as relevant skills within scientific education. The contribution of this paper is a structured analysis of our attempts and experiences with five cohorts of students in teaching Creative Technology. We will discuss the implications for the teaching practice of Creative Technology and will outline the possibilities and limitations of our practices for other technology-oriented design curricula.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design, E&PDE 2014 - University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
    Duration: 4 Sept 20145 Sept 2014
    Conference number: 16


    Conference16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design, E&PDE 2014
    Abbreviated titleE&PDE


    • IR-99992
    • EWI-26309


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