Humor modeling in the interface

Antinus Nijholt, G. Cockton (Editor), O. Stock, P. Korhonen (Editor), A. Dix, E. Bergman (Editor), S. Bjork (Editor), J. Morkes, P. Collings (Editor), A. Dey (Editor), S. Draper (Editor), J. Guliksen (Editor), T. Keinonen (Editor), J. Lazar (Editor), A. Lund (Editor), R. Malich (Editor), K. Nakakoji (Editor), L. Nigay (Editor), R. Prates Oliveira (Editor), J. Rieman (Editor)C. Snyder (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    13 Citations (Scopus)
    15 Downloads (Pure)


    Humor is a multi-disciplinary field of research. People have been working on humor in many fields of research, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in a computationally tractable way. Having computational models of humor allows interface designers to have the computer generate and interpret humor when interacting with users. Being able to recognize a user’s frustration can be useful; however, preventing it whenever possible by an adequate use of humor can be useful as well.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2003
    EventProceedings SIGCHI-ACM CHI 2003: New Frontiers - Ft. Lauderdale
    Duration: 1 Apr 20031 Apr 2003


    ConferenceProceedings SIGCHI-ACM CHI 2003: New Frontiers


    • HMI-HF: Human Factors
    • EWI-6731
    • IR-63383


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