Identification and utilization of land-use type importance for land-use data generalization

Wenxiu Gao*, Alfred Stein, Li Yang, Jianguang Hou, Xiaojing Wu, Xiangchuan Jiang

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A proper characterization of land-use types is critical for constructing generalization constraints to guide and control landuse data generalization. This paper focused on identification and utilization of their importance based upon land-use distributions and application themes. First, this importance was identified using a three-step method that links a diversity index, a multiple attribute decision model and a spatial association analysis. Second, with the importance, a mathematical function was designed to determine minimum area thresholds of land-use polygons as an example of generalization constraints. Third, the importance was used to assist in the selection of generalization operators and evaluation of generalization outcomes. Fourth, a land-use dataset at 1:10 000, describing the land use of a typical rural area in Hubei province of China, was generalized towards a 1:50 000 dataset to verify the effects of the presented method and function. Three additional tests were implemented to analyze the sensitivity of the importance of land-use types on setting the minimum area threshold and generalization operations. The outcome showed that the proposed methods and functions make land-use data generalization more adaptable for in-use datasets and applications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-42
JournalCartographic journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Land-use type importance
  • Land-use data generaliation
  • Generaliation constraint
  • Multi-attribute decision model
  • 2023 OA procedure


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