Identifying factors of influence in the spatial distribution of domestic fires

Olga Špatenková*, Alfred Stein

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Domestic fires at the city level, being causes for casualties and causing significant material damages, are stored as a point pattern in a GIS. In this paper we apply a statistical point pattern analysis to derive major causes from related layers of information. We fit a G-function to analyse neighbourhood relations and a Strauss process for inferring causal relations. Using open-source software we find significant differences in patterns and explaining factors between the different parts of the day, in particular for different building types and income groups. We conclude that a quantitative spatial model can be fitted and that this provides a useful opportunity for fire brigades to improve planning their efforts.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)841-858
JournalInternational journal of geographical information science
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • 2024 OA procedure


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