Identifying the errors in monitoring glacier changes by multi-sources data using remote sensing and gis techniques in mt. Naimona'nyi region in the western himalayas on the tibetan plateau in China

Q. H. Ye*, G. Hamilton, P. A. Mayewski, A. Stein

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The paper compares the results of two alternative methods for studying glacier variations in Mt. Naimona'Nyi in the western Himalayas on Tibet. This paper describes a grid method for studying multi-temporal glacier variations from space. By combining glacier spatial data from various satellite images or maps at sequential times, the grid method allows us to detect both dynamic variation and random noise in glacier distribution among the sequential data sets due to different data sources. Our results show that random noise, equal to 5.5% of the total glacier area in the Mt. Naimona'Nyi region, as taken from individual classification results by bands algorithms, was much larger than that of the measurement uncertainty calculated by sensor resolution and co-registration error. Glaciers in the region both retreated and advanced during the last several decades. Retreat dominates, however, and accelerates. Most of the glacier retreat area occurs at the termini of glaciers in the southeastern slopes of the two regions, whereas most of the glacier advance area occurs at the termini of glaciers in the northwestern slopes. The glacier recessions in the Mt. Naimona'Nyi of the Himalayan regions are dramatic compared with Mt. Geladandong region in the central Tibetan Plateau.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationISPRS Archives – Volume XXXVII Part B7, 2008 XXIst ISPRS Congress Technical Commission VII July 3-11, 2008 Beijing, China
EditorsJun Chen, Jie Jiang, J. van Genderen
Place of PublicationBeijing
PublisherInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008
EventXXI ISPRS Congress 2008: Silk Road for Information from Imagery - Beijing, China
Duration: 3 Jul 200811 Jul 2008
Conference number: 21

Publication series

NameISPRS Archives
PublisherInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


ConferenceXXI ISPRS Congress 2008
Internet address


  • Geographic information system (GIS)
  • Glacier variation
  • Himalayas
  • Mt. Geladandong
  • Mt. Naimona'Nyi
  • Remote Sensing
  • The hybrid grid unit
  • Tibetan Plateau


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