Impacts of agricultural intensification through upscaling of suitable rainwater harvesting technologies in the upper Ewaso Ngiro North basi, Kenya

J.K. Mutiga, Zhongbo Su, T. Woldai

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Changes in land cover and land use can lead to significant impacts to hydrology by affecting the amount of runoff, soil moisture and groundwater recharge over a range of temporal and spatial scales. However, hydrologic effects of these changes are still an unknown at watershed scale. Moreover, predicting the effects of land cover/use and climate change on hydrological cycle has remained a major challenge. This is because of the complexity and uncertainty of future climate changes making it difficult to predict the consequences. It is against this backdrop that, for sustainable water resources management, assessment of the impacts of land cover/use change on hydrological regime at all scales becomes critical. During this study, we applied the SWAT model to assess the impacts of area hydrology between baseline and alternative scenario (upscaling of rainwater harvesting technologies). Specifically, our overall objective was to quantitatively evaluate the effects of land use changes on watershed hydrology in the upper Ewaso Ng'iro North basin in Kenya. This was achieved by estimating hydrological responses under historical land use scenarios obtained from the multi-temporal satellite imageries of 1987, 1995 and 2003. The model performance was found to be relatively good (Nash and Sutcliffe efficient of 70%). Stream flow analysis was carried out for different parts of the basin to understand its hydrological responses, especially, the behavior of base flow. The results show a decrease in base flow during 1987–2003 period with decreasing forest, bush and grass covers, which can be attributed to poor natural vegetation emanating mainly from overgrazing and deforestation for agricultural activities. In conclusion, the study clearly shows that, assessment of hydrologic effects of land use changes is critical for a sustainable water resources planning and management of the basin.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2477-2501
JournalHydrology and earth system sciences discussions
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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