Implementing participatory monitoring in river management: The role of stakeholders' perspectives and incentives

Laura N.H. Verbrugge*, Wessel Ganzevoort, Jan M. Fliervoet, Katharina Panten, Riyan J.G. van den Born

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Involving local stakeholders in monitoring has the potential to stimulate learning and improve management responses. However, there is limited understanding about factors which influence implementation and success. This paper reviews local stakeholders' perceptions with respect to the construction of longitudinal dams in the Dutch river Waal, and explores their incentives to be involved in monitoring the effects of this intervention. Interviews with key stakeholders showed that concerns and (dis)trust are important incentives for participating in monitoring. Surveys of local residents, recreational anglers and boaters, and shipping professionals mapped their level of trust, attachment to the river landscape and evaluation of the effects of the longitudinal dams. Our case study shows that incentives for participation differ between stakeholder groups, and that research into their perceptions of the local environment can inform water managers on how to involve these groups in participatory monitoring.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-69
JournalJournal of environmental management
Issue numberPart 1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2017


  • Citizen science
  • Community-based monitoring
  • Place attachment
  • Public perceptions
  • Stakeholder participation
  • Trust
  • n/a OA procedure


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