Improving the Degree of Autarky of a 16 House Neighbourhood in the Netherlands: A case study

Bart Homan, Stefano Nebiolo, Gerwin Hoogsteen, Johann L. Hurink, Gerard J.M. Smit

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
    214 Downloads (Pure)


    In this work we investigate the possibility to operate
    an existing neighbourhood in the Netherlands in a ”soft-islanded”
    (near autarkic) way. For this, a multi-energy system, including
    optimal control, is modelled using PV panels, a combined
    heat and power generator and 6 kWh of battery storage per
    household. By utilizing the synergies between electricity, heat
    and bio-gas, the system provides a good solution to relieve stress
    on electricity grids within the context of the energy transition.
    Simulation studies show that the envisioned system, with control,
    is able to reach a Degree of Autarky of 91% for the energy
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe
    Subtitle of host publicationNew Businesses for Energy Transition
    Number of pages5
    ISBN (Electronic)9781538682180
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2019
    Event2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe - University POLITEHNICA, Bucharest, Romania
    Duration: 29 Sept 20192 Oct 2019


    Conference2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe
    Abbreviated titleISGT 2019
    Internet address


    • Microgrids
    • Energy management
    • Optimization
    • Multi-Energy Systems


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