Improving the optimization in model predictive controllers: Scheduling large groups of electric vehicles

Research output: Working paper

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In parking lots with large groups of electric vehicles (EVs), charging has to happen in a coordinated manner, among others, due to the high load per vehicle and the limited capacity of the electricity grid. To achieve such coordination, model predictive control can be applied, thereby repeatedly solving an optimization problem. Due to its repetitive nature and its dependency on the time granularity, optimization has to be
(computationally) efficient.
The work presented here focuses on that optimization sub-routine, its computational efficiency and how to speed up the optimization for large groups of EVs. In particular, we adapt FOCS, an algorithm that can solve the underlying optimization problem, to better suit the repetitive set-up of model predictive control by adding a pre-mature stop feature. Based on real-world data, we empirically show that the added feature speeds up the median computation time for 1-minute granularity by up to 44%.
Furthermore, since FOCS is an algorithm that uses maximum flow methods as a subroutine, the impact of choosing various maximum flow methods on the runtime is investigated. Finally, we compare FOCS to a commercially available solver, concluding that FOCS outperforms the state-of-the-art when making a full-day schedule for large groups of EVs.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 2024


  • math.OC


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