In search of non-positivist case study research

Louise Knight, Thomas Johnsen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This critical review of trends in case study (CS) research within purchasing and supply management (PSM) is motivated by a concern that a rising prevalence of CS research standards that place theory development above all else, and that are founded on positivist-inspired evaluation criteria, may have the unintended consequence of ‘crowding out’ CS research that is ‘non-positivist’ and/or whose primary contribution is practice-oriented. Through a review of journal articles reporting PSM-related CS research and relevant methodology literature, we compare different approaches (positivist/non-positivist) to CS research, and derive guidance for the design, contributions and reporting of CS research in the field of PSM.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2020
Event36th Annual IMP Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, IMP 2020: Sustaining and Energizing in the IMP Spirit - Virtual Event, Örebro, Sweden
Duration: 2 Sept 20204 Sept 2020
Conference number: 36


Conference36th Annual IMP Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, IMP 2020
Abbreviated titleIMP 2020
Internet address


  • case study methodology
  • research quality
  • theory development


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