Incorporating Temporary Coherent Scatterers in Multi-Temporal InSAR Using Adaptive Temporal Subsets

Fengming Hu, Jicang Wu, Ling Chang, Ramon F. Hanssen

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Multi-temporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (MT-InSAR) is used for many applications in earth observation. Most MT-InSAR methods select scatterers with high coherence throughout the entire time series. However, as time series lengthen, inevitable changes in surface scattering lead to decorrelation, which systematically decreases the number of coherent scatterers. Here, we propose a novel method to detect and process temporary coherent scatterers (TCS) by subsequently analyzing the amplitude and the interferometric phase. Two hypothesis tests are developed for amplitude analysis in order to identify the moments of appearing and/or disappearing coherent scatterers. Based on the amplitude analysis, the parameters of interest are then estimated using the interferometric phase. An optimized adaptive temporal subset approach is proposed to improve the precision of the estimated parameters. If the scatterers are not evenly distributed over the area, a secondary (support) network is designed to improve the spatial point distribution. The main advantage of this method is the reliable extraction of a subset of time series without using any contextual information. Experimental results show that the TCSs significantly increase the number of observations for displacement monitoring and improve the change detection capability in urban construction areas.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8756305
Pages (from-to)7658-7670
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
Issue number10
Early online date8 Jul 2019
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019




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