Inferring Ontological Categories of OWL Classes Using Foundational Rules

Pedro Paulo F. Barcelos*, Tiago Prince Sales, Elena Romanenko, João Paulo A. Almeida, Gal Engelberg, Dan Klein, Giancarlo Guizzardi

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)
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Several efforts that leverage the tools of formal ontology (such as OntoClean, OntoUML, and UFO) have demonstrated the fruitfulness of considering key metaproperties of classes in ontology engineering. These metaproperties include sortality, rigidity, and external dependence, and give rise to many fine-grained ontological categories for classes, including, among others, kinds, phases, roles, mixins, etc. Despite that, it is still common practice to apply representation schemes and approaches - such as OWL - that do not benefit from identifying these ontological categories, and simplistically treat all classes in the same manner. In this paper, we propose an approach to support the automated classification of classes into the ontological categories underlying the (g)UFO foundational ontology. We propose a set of inference rules derived from (g)UFO's axiomatization that, given an initial classification of the classes in an OWL ontology, can support the inference of the classification for the remaining classes in the ontology. We formalize these rules, implement them in a computational tool and assess them against a catalog of ontologies designed by a variety of users for a number of domains.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFormal Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, FOIS 2023
EditorsNathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Torsten Hahmann, Antony Galton, Maria M. Hedblom
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-64368-469-7
ISBN (Print)978-1-64368-468-0
Publication statusPublished - 21 Dec 2023
Event13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, FOIS 2023 - Sherbrooke, Canada
Duration: 17 Jul 202320 Jul 2023
Conference number: 13

Publication series

NameFrontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ISSN (Print)0922-6389
ISSN (Electronic)1879-8314


Conference13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, FOIS 2023
Abbreviated titleFOIS


  • Applications and methods
  • Foundational ontologies
  • gUFO
  • Ontology grounding
  • Ontology tools
  • OWL
  • UFO


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