Influence of functionalized S-SBR on silica-filled rubber compound properties

Chigusa Yamada, Anke Blume

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic

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Synopsis: Functionalized S-SBRs are used for the tire tread to improve rolling resistance (RR). The functional group which can interact with silica is introduced in the polymer to increase filler-polymer interaction. This increased filler-polymer interaction leads to a reduced filler-filler interaction and to a decreased tand at 60 °C, an indicator for RR. The detailed mechanism of functionalized S-SBRs is still not clarified yet. Therefore, the scope of the current study is comparing the silica compounds with several SBRs which has different types of functional group to understand this mechanism in in a better way, especially focusing on on filler-polymer interaction.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021
EventTire Technology 2021, virtual ‘Live’ - online, Virtual Conference
Duration: 7 Jun 202118 Jun 2021


ConferenceTire Technology 2021, virtual ‘Live’
CityVirtual Conference


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