Influence of Load Mode on Particle Crushing Characteristics of Silica Sand at High Stresses

Y. Wu, H. Yamamoto, J. Cui, H. Cheng

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A series of high-pressure compression tests with various stress paths under monotonic and cyclic loadings were performed to examine the compression and particle crushing characteristics of silica sand in a dense state. Different stress paths were particularly designated to individually investigate the influences of mean and shear stress on particle crushing. Test results show that the degree of particle crushing increases with the stress level and is markedly affected by the stress paths. For each compression test following a designated stress path, an increase in the cyclic loading number also enhances the degree of particle crushing. Particle morphology is affected by the accompanying occurrence and evolution of grain damage. The relative breakage expresses a linear relationship with the maximum volumetric strain during monotonic and repeated compression loadings. A good correlation between the relative breakage and plastic work per unit volume is obtained for silica sand at various mean stresses regardless of the stress history. However, this correlation is affected by cyclic loading number because of different crushing mechanisms. During the entire cyclic compression process, the increasing rate of relative breakage is lower than the plastic work increment for dense silica sand as the cyclic loading progresses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04019194
JournalInternational Journal of Geomechanics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2020


  • Compression
  • Cyclic loading
  • Particle crushing
  • Particle shape
  • Plastic work


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