Infrared induced visible emission from porous silicon: the mechanism of anodic oxidatio

Ernst S. Kooij, A.R. Rama, J.J. Kelly

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The visible luminescence caused by anodic oxidation of p-type porous silicon has been studied. It is shown that similar luminescence can be observed in n-type material by illumination with near-infrared light. Addition of a suitable reducing agent to the electrolyte solution can both suppress the oxidation of the porous layer and quench its luminescence. These results confirm a previously suggested mechanism, in which the capture of a valence band hole in a surface bond of the porous semiconductor gives rise to a surface state intermediate capable of thermally injecting an electron into the conduction band.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)125-135
JournalSurface science
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - 1997


  • IR-75177

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