Innovation Management Planning: Design of a Maintenance Concept Innovation Management System

Su Kon Wu

Research output: ThesisEngD ThesisAcademic

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The design and development of Maintenance Concepts (MCs) is challenging. MCs are here defined as a single or set of actions, which are activated under certain conditions, in
order to retain or restore a production function. Much progress has been made in predicting the occurrence of failures. Despite these advancements, the continuous
improvement of MCs is a challenging task especially in a quickly changing outsourced context. The introduction of Performance Based Contracts (PBCs) in rail maintenance in
the Netherlands has shifted the responsibility of improving MCs (from ProraiIl) to the outsourced party, companies such as Strukton Rail.
Strukton Rail is the sponsor and case study of this research and is situated in this competitive outsourced environment, moderated by PBCs. The main research question within this context is: how to support organizational learning on maintenance concepts? As such, the main objective of this research is: design a decision support system for Strukton Rail to enable organizational learning on MCs. To achieve this objective, a design science research methodology is used.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • van Dongen, Leo A.M., Supervisor
  • Braaksma, Jan, Supervisor
Award date10 Mar 2021
Place of PublicationEnschede
Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2020


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