Inrichting voor het meten van het ammoniakgehalte in een gasmengsel

Wouter Olthuis (Inventor), I. van Uitert (Inventor), Albert van den Berg (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The invention relates to a device for measuring the ammonia content in a gas mixture. The device comprises at least one inlet and one outlet for the gas mixture, between which is situated an ammonia measuring system connected thereto. The device also comprises first regulating means for regulating the gas mixture flow through the inlet, and second means which are adapted such that they allow a measurement of the ammonia content which is substantially independent of the gas mixture flow rate. The device is preferably applied for measuring the ammonia content in exhaled air.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberNL2000310
    Priority date13/05/08
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 13 May 2008


    • EWI-18634
    • IR-73797
    • METIS-268948

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