Integral resource capacity planning for inpatient care services based on hourly bed census predictions

Nikky Kortbeek, Aleida Braaksma, H.F. Smeenk, P.J.M Bakker, Richardus J. Boucherie

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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The design and operations of inpatient care facilities are typically largely historically shaped. A better match with the changing environment is often possible, and even inevitable due to the pressure on hospital budgets. Effectively organizing inpatient care requires simultaneous consideration of several interrelated planning issues. Also, coordination with upstream departments like the operating theater and the emergency department is much-needed. We present a generic analytical approach to predict bed census on nursing wards by hour, as a function of the Master Surgical Schedule (MSS) and arrival patterns of emergency patients. Along these predictions, insight is gained on the impact of strategic (i.e., case mix, care unit size, care unit partitioning), tactical (i.e., allocation of operating room time, misplacement rules), and operational decisions (i.e., time of admission/discharge). The method is used in the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam as a decision support tool in a complete redesign of the inpatient care operations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEnschede
PublisherUniversity of Twente
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012

Publication series

PublisherDepartment of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente
ISSN (Print)1874-4850
ISSN (Electronic)1874-4850


  • Surgical Scheduling
  • Probability
  • Bed occupancy
  • Health service
  • Medical care units
  • Hospitals


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