Integration of a Passive Exoskeleton and a Robotic Supernumerary Finger for Grasping Compensation in Chronic Stroke Patients: The SoftPro Wearable System

Gionata Salvietti*, Leonardo Franco, Martin Tschiersky, Gerjan Wolterink, Matteo Bianchi, Antonio Bicchi, Federica Barontini, Manuel Catalano, Giorgio Grioli, Mattia Poggiani, Simone Rossi, Domenico Prattichizzo

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Upper-limb impairments are all-pervasive in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). As a consequence, people affected by a loss of arm function must endure severe limitations. To compensate for the lack of a functional arm and hand, we developed a wearable system that combines different assistive technologies including sensing, haptics, orthotics and robotics. The result is a device that helps lifting the forearm by means of a passive exoskeleton and improves the grasping ability of the impaired hand by employing a wearable robotic supernumerary finger. A pilot study involving 3 patients, which was conducted to test the capability of the device to assist in performing ADLs, confirmed its usefulness and serves as a first step in the investigation of novel paradigms for robotic assistance.
Original languageEnglish
Article number661354
Pages (from-to)155
Number of pages9
JournalFrontiers in robotics and AI
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2021


  • assistive robotics
  • wearable robotics
  • exoskeletons
  • human-robot interfaces
  • upper-limb impairments


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