International Cartography Master graduates starting their career

J. Cron, L. Meng, E. P. Bogucka, G. Gartner, D. Burghardt, M.J. Kraak, C.P.J.M. van Elzakker, B.A. Ricker

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Since its commencement eight years ago, the Cartography Master program has enrolled 155 students in eight annual intakes from 58 different countries. In this paper we share the experiences of the alumni of the first 5 intakes of the Cartography M.Sc. program that were gained via an online survey. Through the results of the survey we are able to answer the following questions: In which fields of work are our alumni getting involved? What kinds of businesses employ cartography alumni? In which countries are the graduates working? Furthermore, we would like to introduce some of our alumni: What are they doing now, how have they applied the things they learned during their studies in their careers and what message do they have for our future students? What do theyconsider as their most important achievements since graduation? What did they take with them from studying at four different universities? And how do they see their future?
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019
Event29th international Cartographic Conference, ICC 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 14 Jul 201920 Jul 2019
Conference number: 29


Conference29th international Cartographic Conference, ICC 2019
Abbreviated titleICC 2019
Internet address


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