International inter-organisational arrangements in higher education: towards a typology

Eric Beerkens

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    This article attempts to provideclarity in the maze of internationalinter-organisational arrangements in highereducation. Developments that fuel theestablishment of such linkages are identified.First, the changes in the production ofknowledge, changes in resource dependencies andincreased opportunities for interaction throughnew technologies, demand interaction with otheruniversities and organisations, in activitiesthat previously took place within theorganisational boundaries of the university. Inaddition, universities increasingly crossnational borders. Students, scholars andemployers demand and value the experiencegained through international experiences.Liberalisation of trade markets and new modesof delivery expand opportunities fortransnational education and the need forinter-organisational interaction. On the basisof several classifications of cooperation inhigher education and using concepts fromorganisational and management studies, wedevelop a multidimensional typology ofinternational inter-organisational cooperation.Critical dimensions identified in this typologyare size, scope, nature of integration andintensity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)297-314
    Number of pages18
    JournalTertiary education and management
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


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