Interoperability and Integration: An Updated Approach to Linked Data Publication at the Dutch Land Registry

Alexandra Rowland*, Erwin Folmer, Wouter Beek, Rob Wenneker

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Kadaster, the Dutch National Land Registry and Mapping Agency, has been actively publishing their base registries as linked (open) spatial data for several years. To date, a number of these base registers as well as a number of external datasets have been successfully published as linked data and are publicly available. Increasing demand for linked data products and the availability of new linked data technologies have highlighted the need for a new, innovative approach to linked data publication within the organisation in the interest of reducing the time and costs associated with said publication. The new approach to linked data publication is novel in both its approach to dataset modelling, transformation, and publication architecture. In modelling whole datasets, a clear distinction is made between the Information Model and the Knowledge Model to capture both the organisation-specific requirements and to support external, community standards in the publication process. The publication architecture consists of several steps where instance data are loaded from their source as GML and transformed using an Enhancer and published in the triple store. Both the modelling and publication architecture form part of Kadaster’s larger vision for the development of the Kadaster Knowledge Graph through the integration of the various linked datasets.

Original languageEnglish
Article number51
JournalISPRS international journal of geo-information
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2022


  • Interoperability
  • Knowledge graph
  • Linked spatial data
  • Semantic modelling
  • Semantic technologies


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