Introduction of CORC® wires: Highly flexible, round high-temperature superconducting wires for magnet and power transmission applications

Jeremy D. Weiss, Tim Mulder, Herman .J. ten Kate, Danko C. van der Laan

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Conductor on Round Core (CORC�) technology has achieved a long sought-after benchmark by enabling the production of round, multifilament, (RE)Ba2Ca3O7-x coated conductors with practical current densities for use in magnets and power applications. Recent progress, including the demonstration of engineering current density beyond 300 Amm-2 at 4.2 K and 20 T, indicates that CORC� cables are a viable conductor for next generation high field magnets. Tapes with 30 μm substrate thickness and tape widths down to 2 mm have improved the capabilities of CORC� technology by allowing the production of CORC� wires as thin as 3 mm in diameter with the potential to enhance the engineering current density further. An important benefit of the thin CORC� wires is their improved flexibility compared to thicker (7-8 mm diameter) CORC� cables. Critical current measurements were carried out on tapes extracted from CORC� wires made using 2 and 3 mm wide tape after bending the wires to various diameters from 10 to 3.5 cm. These thin wires are highly flexible and retain close to 90% of their original critical current even after bending to a diameter of 3.5 cm. A small 5-turn solenoid was constructed and measured as a function of applied magnetic field, exhibiting an engineering current density of 233 Amm-2 at 4.2 K and 10 T. CORC� wires thus form an attractive solution for applications between 4.2 and 77 K, including high-field magnets that require high current densities with small bending diameters, benefiting from a ready-to-use form (similar to NbTi and contrary to Nb3Sn wires) that does not require additional processing following coil construction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014002
JournalSuperconductor science and technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017
Event8th Workshop on Mechanical and Electromagnetic Properties of Composite Superconductors, MEM 2016 - The Doubletree Hotel, Tallahassee, United States
Duration: 21 Mar 201623 Mar 2016
Conference number: 8


  • HTS
  • wires


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